cremation service in Lowell MA

5 Things You Can Do With a Loved One’s Cremated Remains

At the end of a loved one’s cremation service in Lowell, MA, a cremation provider is going to give you and your family their cremated remains. At that point, it’ll be up to you and your family to decide what you would like to do with them. You should give this some thought in advance so that you have a plan in place for your loved one’s remains. Today, we’re going to show you some of the best options that you’ll have as far as what you can do with a loved one’s remains. Find out about five good options below.


1. You can put the remains in a cremation urn and bring them home with you.

If you want to keep your loved one’s cremated remains close to you in the weeks, months, and years following their Lowell, MA cremation, you can have them put in a cremation urn and bring that urn home with you. Many families will do this and create displays for urns in their homes. This is a good way to keep your loved one’s memory alive. You’ll continue to feel a connection with them when you have their remains in your home.


2. You can bury the remains in a cemetery.

Many families choose to cremate their loved ones to avoid having to bury them. But there are also some families that will opt to cremate their loved ones and then bury their remains in a cemetery. You and your family can do this if you want to make sure that your loved one’s remains are safe and sound. You might also want to do it if your family practices a certain religion. Catholicism, for example, allows cremation but asks for families to bury a loved one’s remains after their cremation is complete.


3. You can store the remains in a columbarium.

If you like the idea of keeping a loved one’s remains in a cemetery but you don’t like the idea of burying the remains, there is another option for you and your family. You can also have the remains stored in a structure called a columbarium. A columbarium has cremation niches in it that are built to house urns containing people’s remains. You can arrange to put your loved one’s remains into a columbarium so that they stay safe in the years to come.


4. You can scatter the remains in a special place.

Many times, people will specifically request for their families to scatter their cremated remains in a place that was special to them following their cremation. If your loved one asked you to do this, you should honor their final wishes and scatter their remains in the place that they requested. You might also want to do this even if they didn’t necessarily ask you to. You can make your loved one a part of a place that they enjoyed a whole lot throughout the course of their life by scattering their remains there.


5. You can place the remains into cremation jewelry.

If you’re OK with splitting your loved one’s remains up, you might want to kick around the idea of putting small portions of the remains into cremation jewelry and handing this jewelry out to your family members. Cremation jewelry is capable of housing cremated remains and keeping them safe. You can find cremation jewelry in many forms, including necklaces, bracelets, and more. It’s a terrific option for those families who want to send each of their family members home with some of their loved one’s remains.

cremation services in Lowell MA

Before families can start trying to decide what they’re going to do with their loved one’s remains, they need to plan Lowell, MA cremations for them. Middlesex Cremation can assist your family with this part of the process. Reach out to us now to begin planning a cremation for a loved one.

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